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How to properly melt mozzarella cheese on a pizza

Properly melted mozzarella on pizza

Pizza is a universally loved food, and for good reason – it’s delicious!

There’s nothing quite like a delicious pizza, especially when the cheese is melted perfectly and not burnt.

It’s no secret that the key to a great pizza is using the right cheese. however, not all cheeses are created equal, and mozzarella is one of the key ingredients in a fantastic pizza. 

A lot of people make a mistake when melting mozzarella on a pizza, and if you won’t do it properly, the cheese on your pizzas might come out with a scorched texture.

But what is the correct way to melt mozzarella cheese on a pizza? There are a few different methods, but which one is the best?

Well, don’t worry, I’ve got answers.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you the best tips to achieve perfectly melted mozzarella cheese on your pizza.

By following these simple steps, you will be able to create a perfect melt on your pizza every time.

Table of Contents

Tip #1 - Use whole milk mozzarella

When it comes to melting mozzarella cheese on pizza, the fat content in the cheese is key.

Fat is what makes the cheese melt. The less fat, the worse the melt will be. 

Unlike low-skim cheeses, whole milk mozzarella contains a generous amount of fat, which makes it easier to melt and a perfect suit for pizzas.

A higher fat content also means that whole milk mozzarella will have a creamier texture when melted.

Tip #2 - Use Mozzarella blocks

Mozzarella chunks
By: @renespizzaplace

If you are familiar with the pizza-making world, you will probably agree that using chunks of mozzarella rather than shredded cheese became a popular trend.

And for a good reason!

The larger pieces of cheese melt much slower, which gives the dough a chance to get a proper cook.

But have you ever wondered why mozzarella blocks seem to melt better than other types of cheese?

Well, it turns out that it all has to do with the structure of mozzarella.

Unlike other cheeses, mozzarella is made up of small, uniform curds. When these curds are heated, they begin to release water and soften, resulting in that classic melted mozzarella texture.

In addition, mozzarella has a relatively high-fat content, which helps to prevent the cheese from drying out and becoming crumbly.

So, the next time you will go shopping for pizza cheese, I highly suggest you go for a block of whole milk mozzarella.

Bonus tip

Although whole milk mozzarella blocks are (in my opinion) the best to use on a pizza, there is something you should be aware of.

Whole milk mozzarella blocks contain high moisture levels.

But what does that have to do with you?

Well, if you will use the cheese right out of the package, your pizzas will come out soggy and watery, and not crispy as we all like.

If so, how do you prevent that from happening?

To avoid soggy pizzas, all you will need to do is to cut the mozzarella cheese into slices, put them in a strainer, and let the water drain in the fridge for about an hour before you make the pizza.

Tip 3# - Use your peel as a flame guard

Guarding a pizza from the flame
By: @hamid_rostamkhani

If your struggle with melting mozzarella is that it comes out overdone, this next tip will be a game-changer for you!

The problem with home-use pizza ovens is that they usually come in compact sizes, unlike the commercial big wood-fired ones. 

Then, what happens is that when you cook a pizza, the top part of it gets very close to the ceiling of the oven.

But why is that even a problem?

Well, the ceiling of a pizza oven is where the flames are, which makes it the hottest spot in the oven. 

When a pizza gets closer to the ceiling, the top part of it gets exposed to extreme temps, and the cheese melts too fast. 

As a result, you get a pizza with an overcooked crust and burnt cheese.

So what can you do about it? 

The trick is to use your peel as a flame guard.

All you need to do is place the peel above the pizza once in a few seconds, a few times over the cook.  

This will create a barrier between the cheese and the flames, giving the mozzarella enough time to melt perfectly without burning.

Why doesn’t my mozzarella melt well?

One of the most common questions I get asked is “Why doesn’t my mozzarella melt well?” 

There can be a few reasons for that, including using the wrong type/form of mozzarella, and even incorrect use of your oven.

The first reason is using the wrong type of cheese. 

As I mentioned before, fresh, whole milk mozzarella blocks will be the best option to use on a pizza. 

If you will use processed shredded cheese that contains anti-caking agents, you will never get the desired melt that you want.

Not only shredded cheese will burn much faster than cheese chunks, but the preservatives that it contains will also shorten the time it will take to burn.

If you still insist to cover all your pizza with shredded cheese, I suggest you buy a fresh block of whole milk mozzarella and shred it by yourself.

The second reason for poor melting is improper use of a pizza oven.

Regardless of whether you are a brand newbie or a pro pizzaiolo, it is essential to know how to properly work with your pizza oven. 

One of the most common reasons for burnt cheese on pizza is that people don’t use their oven correctly.

In order to prevent your pizza cheese from burning and scorching, there are a few crucial actions that must be completed, so make sure to give them a try.

Summing Up

Now that you know how to make your mozzarella melt perfectly, it is time to put your knowledge into practice! 

And don’t forget – if you want to make a truly authentic pizza, you will need to use the freshest and highest quality ingredients. 

So what are you waiting for? Roll up your sleeves, preheat your oven, and let’s get cooking!”